NYC Office of Citywide Equity and Inclusion (OCEI) is hosting the following Asian Pacific American Heritage Month event on Friday, May 21, 2021. Title: CityTalk Panel Discussion: Asian Pacific American Heritage Month Date: Friday, May 21, 2021 Time: 3:00pm – 4:30pm Place: Online URL: Description: In recognition of Asian Pacific American Heritage Month, DCAS and partner City agencies will be hosting a panel discussion to highlight various careers in City government. The Asian Pacific American Heritage Month CityTalk Panel will feature representatives from various City agencies who will discuss opportunities working for the City. Attendees will learn about the …
COVID-19 Hate Crimes Act was signed by President Biden
The House of Representatives passed the COVID-19 Hate Crimes Act by a vote of 364-62 and President Biden signed legislation on Thursday, May 20, 2021. The law addresses hate crimes throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, especially against Asian Americans.
“How to Report a Hate Crime” booklets
“How to Report a Hate Crime” written by Esther Lim has been translated into different Asian languages including Chinese, Tagalog, Spanish, Thai, Vietnamese, Japanese and Korean. The booklets are available in PDF and are also being printed through community funding projects. Here is the link to the “How to Report a Hate Crime” booklet for New York City.
Asian Pacific Islander Heritage Month Event hosted by Queens DA Melinda Katz (5/26/2021)
Queens DA Melinda Katz is hosting the following AAPI event on Wednesday, May 26, 2021. Title: Asian Pacific Islander Heritage Month Date: Wednesday, May 26, 2021 Time: 4:00pm – 6:00pm Place: online URL: Description: Honorees: Councilmember Peter Koo Jeany Persaud, Community Activist/NYCD Desi Society PR Korean American Family Services Center ADA Kiran Cheema, Queens District Attorney’s Offifice Paralegal Christopher Sui, Queens District Attorney’s Offifice Invocation: Deputy Abbess of International Buddhist Progress Society New York, Venerable Youwang Benediction: Ravi Vaidyanaat Šivãchãriar, Spiritual Leader and Director of Religious Affairs, The Hindu Temple Society of North America Performances By: Gotham Dance Theater …
TedTalk: The ingredient of authentic food (Michael Rosenblum)
Michael Rosenblum tried to learn authentic Chinese cuisine in New York City Chinatown for his dream to open an authentic Chinese restaurant. He was told that he wouldn’t be a good Chinese chef because he was not a Chinese. After years of apprenticeship under a famous Chinese chef in Beijing, he now believes that food, like any other art forms, can play a role in connecting people’s hearts.
CUNY ARC Talk: “Election 2021 & Asian American New Yorkers: Where This Historic Moment Came From” on 5/20/2021
Prof. Vivian Louie, Professor of Urban Policy & Planning at Hunter College and CUNY ARC Fellow, will give a talk on political engagement of Asian Americans in NYC. Title: “Election 2021 & Asian American New Yorkers: Where This Historic Moment Came From” Date: Thursday, May 20, 2021 Time: 4:00pm – 5:30pm Place: Online URL: Election 2021 in New York City has made visible the nation’s largest urban Asian American population — Asian New Yorkers are 15 percent of the city’s residents, and three in four are immigrants. This year, East and South Asian New Yorkers are running for local …
STAATUS Index Report 2021 by the Laaunch Foundation
STAATUS Index Report 2021, a survey study conducted by the Laaunch Foundation, shows that Asian American stereotypes (such as “model minority,” “perpetual foreigner,” and “yellow peril”) are still perpetuating in the U.S. Quote: Top 5 Takeaways from the 2021 STAATUS Index Nearly 80% of Asian Americans say they do not feel respected and are discriminated against in the U.S. 37% of white Americans say they are not aware of an increase in hate crimes and racism against Asian Americans over the past year, with 24% saying anti-Asian American racism isn’t a problem that should be addressed. These numbers are higher …
Pew report on the frequency of references to Asian Americans by U.S. lawmakers
This Pew study examined the frequency of references to Asian Americans by U.S. lawmakers on public-facing communications on social media. Quote: “Lawmaker mentions of Asian Americans on social media increased starting in 2020 and rose dramatically in March 2021”
“Intersectionality” explained
Kimberlé Crenshaw, a law professor at Columbia University, was interviewed to discuss how the term “intersectionality” was coined 30 years ago and how it went viral in the recent years.
Advice how to act against anti-Asian sentiments at school, at work, and in relationships
This article talks about how to combat anti-Asian racism at school and workplace. This very comprehensive list of advice includes: At school Realize it’s never too early. Don’t rush to get an uncomfortable conversation over with, because it can send a message. Use age-appropriate language and these scripted suggestions. Ask open-ended questions. For teachers, be aware of these microaggressions, which you might unknowingly enact. Talk to all students about racism and bystander intervention. Empower, don’t victimize. With friends: Use recent news events as an entryway to discussing personal experiences and thoughts. Don’t let the “It’s just a joke” excuse slide, …