Prof. Vivian Louie, Professor of Urban Policy & Planning at Hunter College and CUNY ARC Fellow, will give a talk on political engagement of Asian Americans in NYC.
- Title: “Election 2021 & Asian American New Yorkers: Where This Historic Moment Came From”
- Date: Thursday, May 20, 2021
- Time: 4:00pm – 5:30pm
- Place: Online
- URL:
- Election 2021 in New York City has made visible the nation’s largest urban Asian American population — Asian New Yorkers are 15 percent of the city’s residents, and three in four are immigrants. This year, East and South Asian New Yorkers are running for local office in record numbers. Sixteen months of Anti-Asian hate – along with the push back against the hate — and the entry of Andrew Yang as a mayoral front runner have spotlighted Asian New Yorkers in this electoral moment. But Asian New Yorkers have been laying the groundwork for this moment for the past several years. While this is an extraordinarily diverse group in ethnicity, generational status, social class, and neighborhood, with needs, views and experiences to match that diversity, they express a similar theme of invisibility. This presentation will draw on an initial set of interview and observational data to examine the issues, including public PK-12 educational equity and diversity, that are top of mind for Chinese American leaders and active members of recently formed nonprofits and associations and the invisibility that they say has galvanized their participation. The presentation will further discuss the leaders’ partnering work with community leaders and organizations with similar concerns across racial and ethnic lines.
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