The US Census in 2020 shows that Asian American and multi-racial Asians account for a large part of the population growth of the U.S. between 2010 and 2020. Here are some key statistics (from
- Overall population growth slowed substantially over the past decade, but the growth that did occur — an increase of about 23 million people — was made up entirely of people who identified as Hispanic, Asian, Black and more than one race
- People who identify as white now make up 58 percent of the population, down from 64 percent in 2010, and 69 percent in 2000.
- The Asian population grew faster than expected — up by about 36 percent, a rise that made up nearly a fifth of the country’s total.
- Among Asians and Hispanics, more than a quarter marry outside their race, according to the Pew Research Center.
Here is the press presentation by the Census Bureau.