The Project DIVE (Diversity, Inclusion, & Valuing Equity) Committee at LaGuardia Community College is hosting a town hall meeting for students, faculty, and staff who are interested in sharing their experiences and thoughts about the recent rise of anti-Asian incidents in New York City. To participate in the event, register at
- Title: Combating Anti-Asian Violence Town Hall
- Date: Monday, April 26, 2021
- Time: 2:15pm – 3:15pm
- Place: Zoom
- URL:
- Description: Joyce Moy, Director of the Asian American/Asian Research Institute, will talk about the history of Asian American experiences in the U.S., including the Chinese Exclusion Act, the Japanese Internment, and the murder of Vincent Chin. A few Asian/Asian American faculty and staff will discuss the issues that Asian Americans are facing during the pandemic (such as the model minority myth, mental health issues, and the notion of an invisible minority group etc). The goal is to recognize that racism stems from the same root cause and the importance of educating ourselves about our racial histories in the US and how it fits into a larger historical pattern. We would like to invite everyone, both from Asian and non-Asian backgrounds, to this event.

[Updated on Wednesday, May 19, 2021]
The recording of the event is avaialble at